She found her mate after taking our dating workshop
It was great to hear from Renata about the success she found online after taking our How to Meet a Man Online for Women Over 50 two-hour workshop. (Our next one happens on Wednesday, Nov. 22 and you can sign up here).
After one of our workshops last year, Renata arranged for a photo shoot, got some great photos taken by our photographer (based in Hamilton, Ont.), and paid to sign up on the Silver Singles dating site. Here, in Renata’s own words, is what happened:
“I started getting matches right away. I had a number of guys contacting me, but as you said in your workshop, it had to be a meaningful conversation so the ones that sent me just a smile or a simple “hi,” I didn’t bother to respond to. But then one guy reached out and it was obvious he had read my profile. He asked me questions that proved he’d done his homework. Once we started chatting, I got the feeling he was down to earth, open and honest.
He's 65, divorced, has two grown children, and is now retired. We had similar interests and he lives an active healthy lifestyle, which was important to me.
We chatted for about two weeks, and I finally said, “Hey, I’m open for a coffee and if you are interested, let me know. I took your advice about getting to the first date as soon as possible.
We met and had a great conversation. I was scared at first and wondered what I was going to talk about with this stranger. I got him talking about himself and he did the same. We were together for a couple of hours. After that, I gave him a hug.
A few days later he texted and asked me to go for a hike. (I had told him I liked hiking). Then we went out for dinner and the relationship took off from there. We’ve been seeing each other for about a year and this summer we went on a vacation up north at a cottage.
This relationship has changed my life. I was tired of being alone, going to events by myself, and traveling solo. To have someone to share things with and have someone to check in with every day has been wonderful.”
“Your workshop gave me the confidence to move forward and helped me overcome the fears of that most people have about online dating. I had been married for 30 years and my husband passed away in 2019. I had no idea how to start dating again and your workshop helped. I was lucky to match with the first guy I went out with, but I was very selective about who I responded to. I filled out the questions on the dating site and didn’t lower my standards. If I couldn’t find the kind of person I was looking for, I wasn’t going to settle. I went in with no expectations, but I had the desire and motivation to do the best I could online. I feel very lucky.”