Ready to dip your toe into the dating pool?

Congratulations, you’re ready to dip your toe into the online dating pool.

How are you feeling?

Scared? Anxious? Full of dread?

Before every single one of our online dating workshops, we ask our participants how they feel about online dating. Most of the responses are negative — like those above.

But sometimes people will admit to feeling…a bit excited…somewhat hopeful…looking forward to the experience of meeting new people.

By the end of our workshops, the positive vibes definitely outweigh the negative ones. 

That’s because we prepare our workshop participants for what to expect in the online world — and share our best strategies for meeting great people. 

We know the online dating world can be (excuse the language) a shit show. We’ve been there so we have an intimate understanding of the challenges.

Three years ago, after much searching, we found each other online. We feel lucky.

But it takes more than luck to find a great partner online. You need effective strategies to avoid creeps, scammers and ghosters, you need to know how to get to the first date as soon as possible, to move on quickly when you just are not into someone or when you spot red flags, to know how to create a fantastic profile detailing exactly what you are looking for.

There are millions of people — men and women — looking for love online. All it takes is one.

Okay, so maybe our videos are a little corny. We aren’t slick marketers. We became dating coaches and started Chapter Two Dating because we authentically want to help women over 50 (and men too) find great partners. 

We were successful and we believe you can be too.

If you are not meeting the right people, don’t despair. Just do something about it. You can start by signing up for our signature live 2½ hours Zoom workshop, How to Get Great Dates Online for Women Over 50, happening this Wednesday, May 29 from 6 - 8:30 pm EST. 

Even if you think you are not ready for the online world (and plenty of workshop participants feel that way but change their minds after meeting with us), this workshop is a great low-key introduction to help you decide. And if you are already online, it will help you figure out a new approach that might work better for you.

Our workshop is only $125 with a money-back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied. 

What have you got to lose?

More info and register here:

To heck with loneliness. The world awaits.

Hope to see you on May 29th!


That time I almost rejected the man I’m with today


Dating bio need some work? We’re offering three FREE makeovers